Sheffield Neave
I discovered the image opposite online and being uncertain as to which Sheffield this was I asked Don Tait. He was kind enough to provide the following commentary.
"Not 100% sure but going by the non prefix of a title and the date I would say that this is an image of Sheffield Henry Morier Neave, b.1853 - d.1936 who was Master of the Essex Stag Hounds in the 1880's.
At the same time his brother, Edward Strangeways Neave b.1857 - d.1935, was the whip for the same hunt.
Their father, also Sheffield b.1799 - d.1868. was the third son of Sir Thomas Neave 2nd Bt. He was also the Master of the Essex Stag Hounds prior to his son taking up the role.
The Sheffield in the image opposite was the grandfather of Airey Neave MP who was killed by INLA (Irish National Liberation Army) in 1979".
Below an envelope addressed to his mother and an account of the family
Del Smith

Formerly Physician to the Queen's Hospital for Children Dr. Sheffield Neave of Mill Green Park, Ingatestone, who died on October 24th, had had an unusually varied career in medicine, sport, agriculture, and finance.
Sheffield Henry Morier Neave was born in 1853, the eldest son of Sheffield Neave of Oakhill Park, Hampstead, a director of the Bank of England. From Eton he went to Balliol College, Oxford, gaining honours in Natural Science. At Oxford he was a member of the University Shooting Eight of 1874, and for many years he was known as an exceptional shot with rifle and shotgun. He was known, too, far and wide for his skill with the fishing-rod. Living the life of a country gentleman and keen farmer, he hunted regularly with the Essex Stag- hounds, and while still Master took up the study of medicine, which had always appealed to him. He entered St. Bartholomew's in the middle 'nineties, qualifying M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. in 1900, and obtaining the M.R.C.P. in 1902. For two years he was travelling pathologist to the Government of Sudan, and in 1906-7 undertook research on sleeping sickness in the Congo. He was then appointed to the visiting staff of the Queen's Hospital for Children, Hackney Road, E., and during the war served with the temporary rank of captain R.A.M.C. as specialist officer for cerebro-spinal fever in East Suffolk. In later life he held important directorships, and was a valued member of the Boards of the Tanganyika Concessions, the Zambesia Exploring Company, and the Union Ministre.
Dr. Sheffield Neave had been a member of the British Medical Association since 1903. He contributed a report on the work of the Katang Medical Commission, 1906-8, and a paper on " Leishmania Donovani in the Sudan " to the British Medical Journal, and published notes on his war experience with cerebro-spinal fever in the Lancet.
Alerted by Ken Hatfield I picked up this curiosity on Ebay in 2016. An envelope that would have once contained a death notice, posted to Mrs Sheffield Neave in November 1856.
My thanks to Don Tait who has researched Mary Henrica Neave née Morier. and his comprehensive account is copied opposite.
"Mary Henrica Neave née Morier. Born 14th January 1823 in Paris, France to David Richard Morier and Ann Morier nèe Jones. She was sister to Dorothea and Robert Morier. She married Sheffield Neave the 3rd son of Sir Thomas & Lady Frances Caroline Neave (Sir Thomas being 2nd Bt of Dagnam Park) on 1st October 1851 at St George, Hanover Square, London. From their marriage they had seven children, Anna, Sheffield, Cecilia, Nora, Edward, Arthur and Alice. Mary is found on the 1861 census residing with her husband (noted as a West India Merchant), children and 8 servants (including Ellen Bloomfield aged 18 from Romford who is noted as working as a kitchen maid) in a property known as Oak Hill Park in Hampstead. On the 1871 census she is noted as being a widow and the head of the house (Sheffield Neave died 24th September 1868) in a property in Marylebone. Along with Mary are the four daughters and Sheffield H. M., her son. The 1881 census returns has her residing at 39, Bryanston Square, St Marylebone, London. With her on the night of this census was her son, Edward Strangeways Neave (noted as a West India Merchant) and two of her daughters, Nora and Alice (both unmarried). Also in the property are the eleven servants that ran the house. Mary Henrica Neave died on 11th July 1884. She was buried at St Thomas’ Chapel of Ease Noak Hill on 14th July 1884. She is interned in the same plot as her husband. Mary Henrica Neave is the great grandmother of Airey Neave as well as that of Julius Neave"

Opposite the Headstone of Sheffield and Mary Henrica Neave which is in St Thomas' Church, Noak Hill.
Photo Don Tait